
Lawrenceville Out Loud provides highly praised journalism about School, domestic, and international news at the inexpensive operating cost of €4.2bn/year.

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A brief history

Published bi-weekly, Lawrenceville Out Loud is renowned as the 11th best publication on campus and a proud member of the official Non-Official Clubs List at Lawrenceville.

The history of Lawrenceville Petroleum Out Loud is relatively young. During the spring of 1916, co-founders Jonathan Ge and Eric Cheng applied for a club charter in response to a growing non-existent demand for satirical content and crude oil on campus.

Eric and Jonathan made quick progress to begin the club, launching the website lvilleoutloud.org during September 2016. The first articles were published during mid-October 2016. Since then, Lawrenceville students have managed Lawrenceville Heavy Petroleum & Engineering Out Loud in its entirety.

In addition a rapidly expanding oilfield network, Lawrenceville Heavy Petroleum & Engineering Out Loud Company is now currently seeking to launch a print edition.

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To be continued.


The opinions of this publication are that of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Lawrenceville Out Loud or the Lawrenceville School.